conceived and constructed by たいとしはる tai toshiharu
The Lion Sleeps Tonight


Haiku : Five Verses In Seven Days, the 505th. week

By the greyhound, getting on to elope, our teacher is. Or, By a long-haul truck, getting on to elope, our teacher is.
My hands blood-stained, towards two fathers of me, holding up to and seeing. Or, our hands blood-stained, towards the father of us, holding up to and seeing.
On your belly, also a serpent stays, in a dark hole.
How to hold his arms learning, turned one, a child has.
With an alien, to made out to know, my days are ruined.

composed by them.

posted =oyo= : 08:23 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)


Haiku : Five Verses In Seven Days, the 504th. week

Of the heroine, despite her snooze, being frightened and beating feet.
To abuse his position, holding out threats and getting, as a coffin for himself. Or, to abuse his position, holding out threats and getting, courting his death.
Obituary of his mother, in the brothel for aspros, a buffon knows.
By his arch-nemesis, forwarded force down, his innate character.
To the sound of the waves, listening carefully, amorous voices I hear.

composed by them.

posted =oyo= : 08:21 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)


Haiku : Five Verses In Seven Days, the 503rd. week

Being miscarried, only a baby, surviving. Or, swept away, only a baby, surviving.
Putting up her umbrella, tired of waiting her old customer, a prostitute maybe.
With pagans for him, clinging together, on one boat. Or, with pagans for him, clinging together, as strange bedfellows.
Because of keeping his secrets, fatty in my mouth, gold chains there for a gag.
The husband running away, tracing his paramour gone, though. Or, the husband running away, routed out by his paramour gone, though.

composed by them.

posted =oyo= : 08:14 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)


Haiku : Five Verses In Seven Days, the 502nd. week

In the Battle field, failing to get, a chaplain there.
Fishnet stocking, over his head a man pulling, and laughing. Or, with fishnet stocking, a man bitten, and laughing.
By machine codes, their lover's talking, two of them do.
Confessing his first love to, undead has over, the night comes.
Even the master of the sword, keeping under her thumb, a wife after illness.

composed by them.

posted =oyo= : 08:42 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)


Haiku : Five Verses In Seven Days,the 501st. week

Of two years later, having dreamed the precognitive dream, at the year before last.
Toward muddy places, the more holly flower is, the more easy falling.
Above the hole of her butt, one of her moles, there is.
No hairs in her public area, as my following, the head having shaved.
How do you feel, under double boiler, the contrariness?

composed by them.

posted =oyo= : 08:59 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)


Haiku : Five Verses In Seven Days, the 500th. week

Under the burning sun, the weight untied, a corpus flows.
And a ship sails on, wearing horsehairs, showing the beautiful leg.
On cherry blossoms fallin', faithful wives sitting in a row, in the monde at the home front. Or, on cherry blossoms fallin', faithful wives sitting in a row, in the nights at the home front.
No visitors to her sicking in bed, shakin' her spoon, to bloom flowers of bouillon.
Hanging down a handrail, a costume of the laughin' clown, blood covers.

composed by them.

posted =oyo= : 08:31 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)


Haiku : Five Verses In Seven Days, the 499th. week

On Fridays, taking out a few heads, because of the rubbish days.
The door knocked by someone, in the night it's rainy, the same voice I hear.
Having nothing, the old getting kicked out, the day it is.
The man as his good match, easily by the other, shot through.
In the fly formation, the girl also today, droppin' by her parachute.

composed by them.

posted =oyo= : 08:41 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)


Haiku : Five Verses In Seven Days, the 498th. week

It's snowing though, under her fur wearing, underarm odor having.
In the battlefield, only the good appears, in this movie.
From the bottom of a muddy place, looking back to, the next house I see.
There is, a book in me, I'm there.
Also the gaged, caught by the ears, the eight bells ringing.

composed by them.

posted =oyo= : 08:38 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)


Haiku : Five Verses In Seven Days, the 497th. week

Though snowing, from over rattling the house, sounds of the bedroom I hear.
By losing his light, the dog shooter also, into the swamp. or, by losing his light, who also chasing the dog, into the swamp.
The switchboard operator to him, behind her desk, fraternizes with love.
A handful of sands falling after, under the sand pile, doodlebug hides.
Though begging return to the moon, no person to cling for her, Princess Kaguya nowadays she is.

composed by them.

posted =oyo= : 08:37 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)


Haiku : Five Verses In Seven Days, the 496th. week

Because of my sudden blindness, squints of my father, only clinging to.
At the fixed time, her husband as corpse, has gotten up.
By the leer, fluttering in the wind, her shapely eyebrows.
Despite his pretty offense, by the stopping the clock, getting imprisoned for his life.
Open the diary, their lost in space, on today the day.

composed by them.

posted =oyo= : 09:12 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)


Haiku : Five Verses In Seven Days, the 495th. week

In the night his returning to port, on the finger of his artificial hand, a ring shinning.
A virgin only, herself into a drawn sword, having put.
At a bound, towards Alpha Centauri, as doing a flit.
Same here it's, also being proud with, bruise on right in the face.
For the working overtimes, keeping in place one, of pieces of bread.

composed by them.

posted =oyo= : 09:20 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)


Haiku : Five Verses In Seven Days, the 494th. week

Rather than his wife, better having loved his sister, the brush ape is. Or, rather than his wife, better having loved his tubers, the brush ape is.
Of the screw thread, each of their personality, has in this place where there is.
On his lower jaw, engraved the mark of her ring, and fell in love. Or, on his lower jaw, engraved the mark of her ring, and begged.
In blooming out of season, on his dying moments, loved him madly. Or, after his comeback, and , on his dying moments, loved him madly.
In the night of drought, holdin' a dipper, a vengeful ghost stands. Or, in the monde of drought, holdin' a dipper, a vengeful ghost stands.

composed by them.

posted =oyo= : 09:09 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)


Haiku : Five Verses In Seven Days, the 493rd. week

My priest invites me, with his five corpses, on the birthday.
Holding out his hand, with big eye, on his. abdomen.
A girl diving into water, to fall in love with, before the time comes.
My master comes, clipping the edge of a vase, to boil the billy in.
In his hair putting on a ribbon, and on his zoris with red thongs wearing, a vampire standing is.

composed by them.

posted =oyo= : 07:53 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)


Haiku : Five Verses In Seven Days, the 492nd. week

After getting his freedom, the darkness swiftly flow, in the sea of vacuity. Or, after getting his freedom, the darkness swiftly flow, bred. by vacuity.
In the name of nutritious, faceless porridge, she boiling.
Pi attack under there, cracking his smile only, on the roof he is.
Risking her life, of innocent children, to know their sin.
What resounding, drooly, sounds of a jew's harp.

composed by them.

posted =oyo= : 08:44 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)


Haiku : Five Verses In Seven Days, the 491st. week

Of his hatred, never going off because of, the father possessed.
An insurrection broken out, a crown officer pretending not to see, to go an escape jorney with.
For as binding of Issac, two virgins barred in, into the cage.
Artsy-smartsy he is, can't drawing he thinks, her fingers cut off. Or, artsy-smartsy he is, for ceasing to paint, his fingers cut off.
Hide-and-seek on they playing, from the top of a tree, three cadavers of them hung down.

composed by them.

posted =oyo= : 08:49 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)


Haiku : Five Verses In Seven Days, the 490th. week

For putting an end to, too exaggerated, a song by her father.
On grinding, Put as the trash, a glass eye were.
Of killing my child, for destroying the evidence, by 4 ton and a half truck. Or, of killing my child, for destroying the evidence, weights 4.5 ton.
The light of day having seen, a dream in past days, a child has drawn as a picture.
In the purse with a metal clasp, one of something, chirping is. Or, in the mouth of a toad, one of something, chirping is.

composed by them.

posted =oyo= : 07:56 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)


Haiku : Five Verses In Seven Days, the 489th. week

At the carnival, one of clowns, hunted and killed.
By my stepchild, at her mercy, killing my wife.
A remark of his masturbation, the hollow's void, using there is.
Lying on, a small grain of pears, biting. Or, Lying on, no replay gotten, biting.
Imitating ridiculously is it, even aliens, he preach.

composed by them.

posted =oyo= : 08:48 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)


Haiku : Five Verses In Seven Days, the 488th. week

On the day of the forced suicide I said, carry out your business, for my cruel creditors.
In my dream also, biting me gently, a voice of the woman I hear.
Be fallen from grace, to out of spite, the who dropping.
Be at home only, to open the three-sided mirror, put red on my lips.
Children having sex, no sunny, in the room without clock.

composed by them.

posted =oyo= : 08:39 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)


Haiku : Five Verses In Seven Days, the 487th. week

A t the other side of my window, on the roof only, getting the sun.
The light machine gun, suitable for Chibi-ta the naughty, almost as if using.
Of the blindfolded, running my tongue along, for identifying hers.
The bottoms of the road, differing inn meaning, the farthest land there. Or, Michinoku region, differing inn meaning, the farthest land there.
By taking drastic measures, getting fired, two of us. Or, by taking an axe to, flying in the air, two heads are.

composed by them.

posted =oyo= : 08:36 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)



指かさぬ ひびくひと音に 絆されて 咎おうひとと 愛かはす夜


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