conceived and constructed by たいとしはる tai toshiharu
The Lion Sleeps Tonight


Haiku : Five Verses In Seven Days, the 50th. week Angelus

At the sideshow, the heads with wings, in harmonious life.
Olive in my hand, after ten months and ten days, dancing samba as a midwife.
On my going, the towers made from the salt of the earth, at every door.
At a pub, drunken and put on the head, a fried calamari like a halo.
After a typhoon has passed, by jacob's ladders, get up and get down the angels do.

composed by them.

posted =oyo= : 16:26 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)

Haiku : Five Verses In Seven Days, the 50th. week vol. 3

With the elbow, an yellow fruit of Japanese hawthorn, cleaning my ears. Or, With the elbow, by your Japanese hawthorn, cleaning my ears.
In the middle of the day, a lotus eater, opium addiction suffers from.
On your knees, Chelsea the scotch candy will melt, a kiss firstly.
At deep in the mountains, "Don't talk rot, you bastard!" in vulgar language I hear, Nodeppou the Japanese spirit living in mountain area speaks.
The thrown up, Ozeki the one cup and craps by flies, the sky under the bench is blue.

composed by them.

posted =oyo= : 04:20 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)

Haiku : Five Verses In Seven Days, the 50th. week vol. 2

Be brought to light, at the trap cellar, a verbal promise they made. Or. be brought to light, at the abyss, a verbal promise they made.
On burning incense for the soul of the deceased, for the one of her clasp to come out, a lipstick mark is there I found.
On Sunday, a kotatsu have taken away, so make warm sake and drink. Or, On Sunday, damn it a kotatsu, so make warm sake and drink.
Using tissue papers, her navel dipped into wet, carelessness it's my.
On April Fool, my jackknife, to sharpen for.

composed by them.

posted =oyo= : 04:18 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)

Haiku : Five Verses In Seven Days, the 50th. week vol. 1

Ophelia, couldn't get thee to a nunnery, became soil of carassius.
To vindicate her innocence, and tear off her ring finger, the rests are four. Or, to vindicate her innocence, after share a bed with, her ring finger, the rests are four.
In the wake of these tracks, I met the two of them.
A tongue under a tongue, your clouded in white, onto the palm of my hand.
The head for offering, for a display on my shield, as a Gorgon's.

composed by them.

posted =oyo= : 04:16 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)


Haiku : Five Verses In Seven Days, the 49th. week the nightmare

The incubus said, how romantic you are, der Sandmann!
Before drinking, if you give the drinks to the flower, it will stand decayed, soon.
As the lullaby for you, "Trillo del Diavolo" composed by Giuseppe Tartini, on your stomach I'll play.
Talking about nightmare, the woman's right hand acts as the incubus does. Or, to swindle what the incubus does, by her right hand, the woman masturbates.
Of the baku, the Japanese supernatural beings that devour dreams and nightmares, holding its bit by one of his hands, and takes lessons of horse riding with.

composed by them.

posted =oyo= : 16:26 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)

Haiku : Five Verses In Seven Days, the 49th. week vol. 3

Like as to nitpick to complain about trifles, the drink is over at last.
To take up space for cherry‐blossom viewing and lay blue seats, had be made a mistake for that an incidents were happening there.
Iriko-dashi, dried young sardine bouillon, with an wood cockroach, in solar drying.
With some papers with colored figures, mourning the sky's gone out, the funeral procession departs.
After the parties for seeing cherry blossoms, under cover of night, some people do "Des Glaneuses".

composed by them.

posted =oyo= : 05:14 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)

Haiku : Five Verses In Seven Days, the 49th. week vol. 2

Three or four, waiting for a young tree has blossoms, skulls are there.
Featuring soy source and vinegar, instead of blue, as Yves Klein did.
The rustle of her dress, in the next room my sister-in-law, so ears the walls have.
A cornered mouse will bite, it's like a record‐breaking, the Mother Earth stood.
The two of flowering quince has grown, make smaller and find a tea stalk floating erect in my tea (It is a sign of good luck to). Or, two senile men make smaller and find a tea stalk floating erect in one of their tea (It is a sign of good luck to).

composed by them.

posted =oyo= : 05:12 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)

Haiku : Five Verses In Seven Days, the 49th. week vol. 1

The storm in spring, blowin' cherry blossoms, in sweet smell of flowers, playing blackjack using hanafuda cards.
Before depending on the parents, get some flyers of the beauty‐treatment clinics, and lie down side by side.
Under cherry trees whose blossoms have fallen, ginkgo nuts sticked by toothpick. Or, of the tongue, a cherry tree whose blossoms have fallen, eats ginkgo nuts sticked by toothpick.
On dish‐washing, the love affair of the mother, to snide remark.
Finished Bon holiday period in mid-August, to go to the red light district three times and become a good customer, so playing the game Ocharaka-hoi, with her.

composed by them.

posted =oyo= : 05:10 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)


Haiku : Five Verses In Seven Days, the 48th. week Histoire de l'Oeil

Of the matador, yellow teardrops, with scum in her pussy an eye-ball.
The last time I saw, his fingers of my lover, an eye-ball in crimson.
The dream have been dreamed it is said, the mouth lost the words to speak, in the sky an eye-ball.
The one had gone, the rest carried a coffin, three eye-balls did.
After taking a bath, tepid water in his rice bowl was left, drink it drink an eye-ball.

composed by them.

posted =oyo= : 16:06 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)

Haiku : Five Verses In Seven Days, the 48th. week vol. 3

The unfolded wings are shining, have dragged feces, on the tracks.
There you can find, muddy water and the eye-ball of a chicken. Or, on the bottom, muddy water and the eye-ball of a chicken.
At an Arbor Day, had been dug out, a cicada's body.
Setting katsudon, a bowl of rice topped with a deep-fried pork cutlet, in front of him, and ask how many girls he held in his arms.
Under the moon in this spring, only with a Shin-nyo, a kind of nuns in Buddhism, walking along slowly in a small way. Or, under the moon in this spring, only with a dead woman, walking along slowly in a small way.

composed by them.

posted =oyo= : 05:57 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)

Haiku : Five Verses In Seven Days, the 48th. week vol. 2

Fading out, how psychedelic, of the tortoise the shell. Or, fading out, how psychedelic, the older the wiser.
Strip himself to the waist, his tattoo of "shower of cherry blossom", will eventually scatter.
Looking down my baby's thigh, as if at his most mischievous age, is just as his father's.
A canned crab is, like a crab stick, like Cancer, not same as.
After the body is curved, her head and hair, shaking and waving. Or, after shaving her, her head and hair, shaking and waving.

composed by them.

posted =oyo= : 05:56 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)

Haiku : Five Verses In Seven Days, the 48th. week vol. 1

Like a butterfly, putting his arms down, on his feet dancing.
In Tokyo we cannot find Sora, the sky called in Japanese, Sid had stayed in New York City.
The corpse to destruct and abandon, finally for forgetting to drain blood from, at all.
Of her tip, of her toe, of her fore, a nail of the hawk. Or, of her tip, of her toe, of her fore, a dried sweet pepper is there.
Raising the roof at a party, drinking and eating, the stomach is full, so we cannot compose haiku.

composed by them.

posted =oyo= : 05:54 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)


Haiku : Five Verses In Seven Days, the 47th. week an addendum

"Spilt milk" is flowing on her thigh, don't care a bit. Or, It's a sound of "Spilt milk", on her thigh, not of her fart. Otherwise, I ejaculate out of hers, even if "spilt milk" is flowing on her thigh, never mind it is.
On crimson, on vermilion and on madder, kicking out of, by stiletto heels.
"It's a fake!", to be attacked and being forbidden to enter.
To sweat at night and be awaken, feeling uneasy without any definite cause, what time is it now?
As my cheek is swollen, with a parting shot, to say "Bon Voyage!"

composed by them.

posted =oyo= : 16:47 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)

Haiku : Five Verses In Seven Days, the 47th. week vol. 3

Dividing public opinion in two, this is the reason why they have a lover's quarrel.
To be stuffed into a teapot, because of with crazy two people at the same table on a mad tea party.
Even an umbrella without, an woman from Tatsumi is she, cloying affections of her.
With a common orient clam, to come together and run side by side, on the sea [and into the dream].
Put into it, stick my arm, and can't get off.

composed by them.

posted =oyo= : 05:31 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)

Haiku : Five Verses In Seven Days, the 47th. week vol. 2

Over on 3.11., sing the theme song of "Hyokkori Hyoutan-jimma", "Make a laugh, because we won't cry".
Ought not to say anything, shut down your mouth and prick up your ears. Or, to be the Speak No Evil, one of the three wise monkeys, getting a fastener on your mouth and getting big ears as Dumbo's.
Chasing a cat, and shooting shoots for the common people at yama-dera, Risshaku-ji.
Seeing through the fence, bear the ache by fresh wounds, on D Street.
Or, seeing through the fence, it is never discontinued to be injured, on D Street.
A sneeze can arraign him, so it is busy in this season, for Bob in a bottle.

composed by them.

posted =oyo= : 05:29 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)

Haiku : Five Verses In Seven Days, the 47th. week vol. 1

Where a lark is singing in, haven't you see the sky, Trollkarl. Or, a lark is singing, don't you hear any attention, do you, Trollkarl.
On the last train, creaking a strap holding on to, the wave motion gun is discharged.
On brushing my teeth, a kesalan patharan, Japanese angel hair, into tepid water.
A gag in her mouth, to make a mock of her by words only, haiku is suitable for may be.
At the hill, the neck of him be crucifieddie on the cross, like a hinge.

composed by them.

posted =oyo= : 05:26 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)


Haiku : Five Verses In Seven Days, the 46th. week Five Skull Haikus

On the top of the needles mountain in the hell, pile up skulls and make a cairn.
In life, in kindness, for helping persons in need, you should become a skull. (In Japanese, the words "helping persons in need" also have the mean "strip the skins".)
Two baby birds are showing themselves from eyes of the skull.
In a mirror of the dressing table, a lady is reflected and we can find a big skull.
"Ready and go!", the button he should push on, a skull it's the shape is.

composed by them.

posted =oyo= : 05:20 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)

Haiku : Five Verses In Seven Days, the 46th. week vol. 2

Of Portuguese Jesuits, throwing‐knives make the sounds on being thrown, which are shaped as pentagrams.
The vegetable lamb of tartary, on clipping, you can harvest broccoli.
In order to cut down the number of mouths they had to feed, so earning enough to keep body and soul together and being cut off their tongue. Or, In order to cut down the number of mouths they had to feed, so eating paste to keep body and soul together and being cut off their tongue.
A daughter reared from young, the scrotum is shakin', hits the nail on the head.
Or he will come or he won't come, getting a single geminate speedwell for fortune telling. Otherwise, or he will come or he won't come, a deva using foliage scroll on his background for fortune telling.

composed by them.

posted =oyo= : 05:19 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)

Haiku : Five Verses In Seven Days, the 46th. week vol. 1

Oh yeah on March, better to be in high spirits, because of in accounting period.
To reveal their true characters, being driven into a corner to the wall, three rascals are.
Where are you going, chipping a tooth of her geta, the traditional Japanese footwear, Sachi is running away. Or, where are you going, chipping a tooth of her geta, the traditional Japanese footwear, Sachi knows the reason.
The armillary sphere, to set, and eat ground nuts.
Setting free the bears, the last business day for the origami popgun.

composed by them.

posted =oyo= : 05:17 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)


Haiku : Five Verses In Seven Days, the 45th. week vol. 3

Drifting on the stream red flowers are, growing up faster than me. Sayoko Kikuchi is.
At ultimate fate of the universe, getting hold of his cane, left 10,000,000 years.
To black smoke above the railway, waving her hand, a girl in my distant view.
Hiding herself, Azami, the assassin, biting the edge of her sword. Or, for recollecting, a single flower of thistle to bite, with the edge of her sword.
If one of the little fingers are left, hands will come out, feet come out, of Tomie from it.

composed by them.

posted =oyo= : 04:51 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)

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