conceived and constructed by たいとしはる tai toshiharu
The Lion Sleeps Tonight

Haiku : Five Verses In Seven Days, the 13th. week vol. 1

Being in black, excites our curiosity, her body made in specification for skeleton, a woman there is.
On her left cheek, getting a tear, like an arlequin she is.
When you put a plaster on, you should treat as a benchmark, a mole on the right shoulder.
When I asked the child who lost his way where he would go, he pointed from the universe.
On the nape of her neck, like wringing water out of, she is running with sweat.

composed by them.

posted =oyo= : 10:24 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)


Haiku : Five Verses In Seven Days, the 12th. week vol. 3

At the dry riverbed of the Sai, the Children's Limbo, count the numbers of the girls making love with, and try to heap up the same numbers of stones.
A smoky fire used to keep off mosquitoes we need. When I read a novel of gothic roman, I tear off my arm bloody.
In the school, there is the one of toilet stalls. which is sealed by a talisman.
By the cuckold girl, who is sleeping, of her pussy, the dawn here comes I wide awake all night.
The remain of the sunshine, in this night, the girl gets in her ecstasy three times. Or, 5 for 3 to 1, Histoire d'O.

composed by them.

posted =oyo= : 09:19 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)

Haiku : Five Verses In Seven Days, the 12th. week vol. 2

A toothpick hold between his teeth, In his siesta, there is.
An evening cicada sounds like sorrowing the end of summer.
A man live from hand to mouth has bought a drink for his dinner and shouted loud.
Be drunken and comes drizzling rain, inviting an streetwalker, stay all night long.
So, the rain is now coming down in earnest, I pretend as being caught as fish, and hop some bars.

composed by them.

posted =oyo= : 09:17 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)

Haiku : Five Verses In Seven Days, the 12th. week vol. 1

At the Shirotaya, a diner for cutlets on skewers, a bar hostess with her child brought tempura flour.
In every morning and in every evening, some dietary supplements by my hand, I toss as beanbags.
By jet lag, I'll eat lunch of mackerel in miso on a sultry day in mid‐summer.
Have no home to come back to, like Peter Schlemihls created by Adelbert von Chamisso, or Alien Pegassa from his dark zone.
By your side, warm beer in your beer mug, it is called as if it's unsophisticated.

composed by them.

posted =oyo= : 09:15 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)


Haiku : Five Verses In Seven Days, the 11th. week vol. 2

A bar at a blacksmith, as a thief at a fire, Mercurius here comes.
Is this "Les huit coups de l'horloge"? When eight bells toll, they find a corpse holding in the hand a rolling pin for making horse chestnut noodles. Maybe it was a scatterbrain in its lifetime.
My debt, I look back and up to, high diving I can see.
At an opium den, though my fingers touch a pussy.
Must be falling in love, because of devouring greedily, like a mantis.

composed by them.

posted =oyo= : 13:15 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)

Haiku : Five Verses In Seven Days, the 11th. week vol. 1

On a scratch of her chicken pox, she put a beauty spot.
There is the ferryman by the Styx, who carries on his back a few of stupas.
On the street, only a delivery man or a Tofu Kozou, Japanese monster, who brings tofus as appearing a young Buddhist monk, in a summer afternoon shower.
It's a night flight. if you mistake it for the Star of Bethlehem, off-season it is (you have a crazy idea).
Emerging in the forest, changing stillness to the chirring of cicadas in chorus like a shower, in this morning.

composed by them.

posted =oyo= : 13:15 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)


Haiku : Five Verses In Seven Days, the 10th. week vol. 3

How shrewd this maltese is! I'll pick up it's nose.
On the dawn, the something which has one arm and one leg (and has one eye) play hopscotch.
When this takasebune, the boat which transport criminals on the Takase river, come back, monks will be brought here, also today. (When this takasebune come back, they will get no fish, also today.)
In a river delta, is there an evening primrose like an pomelo?
On your areolas, I spread honey, a spring evening on my getting drunk.

composed by them.

posted =oyo= : 12:12 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)

Haiku : Five Verses In Seven Days, the the 10th. week vol. 2

There is a tale of a lizard, it has dried up completely because of run over by car, so cannot dance at all.
It tells an only way. There is the card "le Jugement XX". Everyone cannot faiter.
In boredom with you, on a Sunday, and a shower here comes.
Just joking, in spite of having no coffin, I stick my fang on your throat.
All of us forgot to drink water out of our hands from a road mirage in that summer.

composed by them.

posted =oyo= : 12:11 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)

Haiku : Five Verses In Seven Days, the the 10th. week vol. 1

At the Outouki, the anniversary that celebrates author Dazai Osamu's birthday, and incidentally, the day his body was found after he was involved in a double suicide, there is no red string of fate connect us harder.
Even a falconer was bewildered by a rhamphorhynchus.
The lovers have smoldering quarrel with each other like an enraenra, Japanese monster, that is composed of smoke.
How her sobbing falls and overflows, muddy and drop by drop, it does!
If you mistake a feeding cup for something, it is undoubtedly your funeral ode.

composed by them.

posted =oyo= : 12:06 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)


Haiku : Five Verses In Seven Days, the 9th. week vol. 3.

How a small white keeps off his hunger to lick your blood, he does!
After the storm, a Jellyfish has dried up on a tetrapod.
To have been confined in a room with tatami mats, I will pick up flowers on my dream in this night.
In Penglai Island, page babies grew thickly on last autumn.
In the noon, having some drinks of hot sake, your asshole for one flower of a plumed cockscomb, there is.

composed by them.

posted =oyo= : 11:11 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)

Haiku : Five Verses In Seven Days, the 9th. week vol. 2.

Is it an omen? I met at twilight, a child who lost the father.
In the period of Imperium Romanum, on the mouth of the murdered, a whelk egg case there was.
A child of my sister‐in‐law pretends a sharks which has a dorsal fin in the bath (maybe he will feel a chill after).
There is a spider on the cheek of Jesus, which has finished to eat his meal.
Has the bloody blastula roasted? If it has well, you should turn it.

composed by them.

posted =oyo= : 11:11 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)

Haiku : Five Verses In Seven Days, the 9th. week vol. 1.

On offering of flowers, they offended Keukegen, the Japanese monster fluffy hair appearance its means.
Floating in my hand, the ocean is there, an ocean sunfish.
How only feeled refreshed the recycle bin on my personal computer, it is! Either nor, How feeled refreshed the body of the recycle bin on my personal computer, it is!
On some of sweetie whitely peaches, sea hares must be thrown away because they are crawling.
When we will finish, for Motoko? To return evil for good, our hunting for puppets and dummies.

composed by them.

posted =oyo= : 11:09 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)


Haiku : Five Verses In Seven Days, the 8th. week vol. 2

For a fishing bait, there is a the mellowed of David Geffen's former self.
What a reckless fellow! There is a sweeping brush stroke on the cheek, on first use of his new brush.
We should knead, puddle, screw and twist the ouroboros to change butter and vinegar.
In sleeping, rapid eye movement or non-rapid eye movement, the eyes are very busy on tonight, too. This is the my "Histoire de l'oeil".
So I've just drunk, I'm standing to have nothing to do in front of a sento, Japanese communal bath house.

composed by them.

posted =oyo= : 10:10 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)

Haiku : Five Verses In Seven Days, the 8th. week vol. 1

Firstly, they invited a mono-eyed snake to the apple orchard.
Knitting a ring, I sing a cadenza for "Sygdommen til Doden" to myself.
To make a farewell call, there is a suspended ceiling over a golden lace.
Grip an arm underhand when you twist one of crying aka-oni, a red goblin.
I decide not to ask her why there is one drop on her collar bone.

composed by them.

posted =oyo= : 10:09 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)


Haiku : Five Verses In Seven Days, the 7th. week vol. 2

Although I have killed myself, my body cannot decompose. So, I found having been left alone.
Albatrosses show their reactions to the moving of his arm, as if Captain Ahab is calling.
On the noon in that winter, the river delta ran dry, so a catfish was hearing sounds of thunder a far away.
It is too unsophisticated to get the head of your enemy for your vengeance at the market early morning (also, to sell it, you know).
Her child of a kept woman learns the number π by loosening a chocolate filled brioches.

composed by them.

posted =oyo= : 10:44 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)

Haiku : Five Verses In Seven Days, the 7th. week vol. 1

Is it his asthma attack? It seems he is blamed to loot at a fire by the sunshine on the dinner.
When we are caught in an evening shower, her perfume squirms on my body. So soon, I use three my fingers for her pleasure.
When he gets wet to the skin in the Euphrates, an wolverine acts like a kabuki actor.
At the shop teniwoha, I missed pronunciations of postpositional particles. The sounds told it was the noon of the mid-summer.
He paid what little money he has for getting a soap bubble.

composed by them.

posted =oyo= : 10:43 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)


Haiku : Five Verses In Seven Days, the 6th. week vol. 2

For Daidarabotchi, the giant in Japanese mythology, there is a dekunobou, a blockhead like a useless bar to pull up the Mt. Tsukuba.
Ariadne had been lost. Her smartphone was left there.
It is drizzling rain in the evening, so I tear my peritoneum and put on the dish for seasoned squid soft.
"Money is ...," in Japanese dialect from Shizuoka, He picked up two blood lines and arranged on the kenzan, a needle-point holder in ikebana.
I will wipe out the mouth and take off the funeral makeup, to stay with you all through the night.

composed by them.

posted =oyo= : 08:38 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)

Haiku : Five Verses In Seven Days, the 6th. week week vol. 1

We ate rice balls with salt after having picked off all of the flowers for sobbing.
The comb has already been rusted. It is the night when you eat into yourself.
To get a gold, The king at the risk of his life attacks to the promotion zone.
A girl said she is a virgin, so have hit by a bottle of champagne.
I am dazzled by a girl has a bobbed hair. She hangs down her head and gets a handkerchief to put on her neck.

composed by them.

posted =oyo= : 08:34 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)


Haiku : Five Verses In Seven Days, the 5th. week vol. 2

Chimi-Mouryo, Japanese evil spirits of mountains and rivers are playing "Wacky Races" on the Crape-myrtles, aren't they?
The person with a stammer has made off with discharge water from the dam.
On Hakata dialect, "Don't you know that?" confess to me and I hear that I don't know, "I have a mole on my ass."
A leaf of the princess tree, open sesame, they also are in dark brown.
In the dark of her emergence, on the crotch of a cicada, a kunoichi, a female ninja is there.

composed by them.

posted =oyo= : 10:46 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)

Haiku : Five Verses In Seven Days, the 5th. week vol. 1

On this crossroad, I'll apply Kinkan, Japanese medicine to stop itching for offering a human sacrifice.
Montgomery, died abroad at the house where having used to live in.
We fold the globe at each meridian.
To a strap in the tube. an animal on the red date book hangs on.
Softly the finless porpoise wipes his nose of the tengu, the legendary mountain goblins of Japan.

composed by them.

posted =oyo= : 10:39 | comment (0) | trackBack (0)

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